Welcome to Mutual Assist

Introducing a Drupal based Covid-19 Volunteer Management system for Mutual Aid Groups and Charities.

What is Mutual Assist?

Since the Covid-19 outbreak in the UK and the Government's subsequent actions, Freely Give have considered how to provide systems support to those trying to help vulnerable members of society during this difficult time.  After speaking to the organisers of various WhatsApp and Facebook groups as well as our local MP and local charities, we found people were struggling to cope with the current methods of using Google forms, spreadsheets, WhatsApp groups and emails.

Therefore, we have been working on a system to assist Mutual Support Groups  and charities manage their grassroots volunteers and process support requests.

We are now sharing our programme with members of the wider Drupal community and organisers of support networks within the UK and abroad.

We are excited to be working with like-minded volunteers who are eager to support vulnerable people in their communities, and help facilitate the link between volunteers and those needing assistance. From picking up prescriptions and shopping for essentials to walking dogs, there are many different ways that people can help those who are self-isolating!

The Freely Give Team